Ho’olehua, Moloka’i

General Information About Honolulu

Things To Do In Moloka’i
Points Of Interest
Kalaupapa Overlook
Halawa Valley
Kalaupapa National Historical Park
Sightseeing & Boat Tours
Kumu Farms
Church Visits
Molokai Plumeria
Murphy’s Beach
Molokai Harbor
Phallic Rock
Palaau State Park
Ono Ali‘i Fishpond
Hotel Moloka‘i Vacation Packages

Learn More

Flight Map

Ho‘olehua Airport (MKK), Moloka‘i
Parking FAQ'S
Do you allow overnight parking
If yes, where can the customer park?
Customers may park in the public lot across the street in the grass Area. Signs are posted.
Directions to said parking lot?
The parking lot is across the street from the terminal.
How long are they able to leave their vehicle?
It is unlimited public parking lot.
Do they need a pass, if yes, how do they get the pass?
No, there is no parking pass necessary.
What are the fee’s associated with parking? Is it cash only or credit card or both? Who do they pay?
There is no fee.
Is there a shuttle back from the parking lot?
No, not necessary as it is a quick walk.
How much time does a customer need in advance of their flight?
We recommend you arrive 30 minutes prior to your flight.
Is there rental car service available at your airport?
Yes, there is a option to rent a car.
If yes, which companies may they contact?
Alamo is the only company that currently offers service at Molokai.
Is there taxi/ bus service available?
(MEO) Free bus every hour although schedule and the times change on a daily base.